Day or night, millennials and even the Gen Z are connected with digital devices, especially smartphones. It’s good to use but bad to get addicted and it’s even ugly if you get affected by its negative health effects.
When we stare at our smartphones or computer screens, the high density blue light is likely to attack the eyes.

It makes the person more active, more attentive in work and also positively affects the brain.

The artificial blue light emitted from digital devices like smartphones, laptops, computers, tablets lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. It affects the natural functioning of the brain and also causes sleep deprivation.

It also increases the chances of the age related macular degeneration which in the worst case scenario can make a person go blind.
You can always keep your eyes safe from blue light when you upgrade your lenses to blue blockers. Wanna know more?
Send us a message on facebook or at (0917) 718 1010
Or you can book an appointment by clicking here: